Igor Gyalakuthy
Măiastra: A History of Romanian Sculpture in Twenty-Four Parts
Măiastra: A History of Romanian Sculpture in Twenty-Four Parts by Igor Gyalakuthy is an experimental novel by artist Timothy Stanley. Presented as a series of scholarly articles on the history of Romanian art, the collection was written under the pseudonym Dr. Gyalakuthy. Gyalakuthy is a retired art historian from Romania, writing a final treatise on the plastic art of his homeland before time and the ravages of mental illness take him. Dr. Gyalakuthy sees Măiastra as an opportunity to shake off the rust of the cultural dark ages of Communism and to present the history of art in Romania as he understands it.
Published by Pacific, 2019
168 pages
5 ½ × 7 ¾ inches