
Melanie Crean, Shaun Leonardo, Sable Elyse Smith



Half experimental catalogue and half living curriculum, Mirror/Echo/Tilt is one part of a four-year pedagogical project created by artists Melanie Crean, Shaun Leonardo, and Sable Elyse Smith. The publication documents the artists' examination of the language and gestures used to describe experiences of arrest and incarceration and looks to counter culturally embedded conceptions of criminality.


This spiral bound book collects images from several stages of the Mirror/Echo/Tilt project, from performances in abandoned carceral spaces to the project’s exhibition at the New Museum. The book’s center though, lies in its inclusion of a “Curriculum” section. To read Mirror/Echo/Tilt’s curriculum provides a lens through which to view the performances contained in this book, but more importantly, it opens up the radical possibility that a reader could continue the project’s work. Several essays at the beginning of the book discuss the prison industrial complex as it relates to movement, gesture, voice, and space.


Press: Creative Capital, WNYC, New York Times


Collections: MoMA Library, New York Public Library


Published by Pacific, 2019 


178 pages

8 × 10 ½ inches