Mary Kelly
The Voice Remains
The Voice Remains is the first monograph to document Mary Kelly's ongoing oeuvre of compressed lint works of the last two decades. Published in conjunction with her first show at Mitchell-Innes & Nash, “The Practical Past,” the featured works include “Circa Trilogy,” which represents her ties to the historical past, “News from Home” and “7 Days,” which confront the everyday politics of life. The catalogue leads with a conversation between Hans Ulrich Obrist and Kelly, followed by in-depth analyses of her practice by Rosalyn Deutsche and Juli Carson. Kelly’s practice, which extends more than forty years, touches upon questions of body, classifications, power and history. Best known for her large-scale installations, like Post Partum Document (1973-79), she has been a key figure in Conceptual art and feminist theory.
Published by Mitchell-Innes & Nash, 2017
Designed by Pacific
184 pages
8 ¼ × 10 ½ inches