Greek style stone building with stairs leading up to an entrance just behind a row of ionic columns. A red banner sits on the exterior of the building to the right of the stairs.


Baltimore Museum & Mississippi Museum of Art




Baltimore, MD & Jackson, MS


Creative DirectionDigital AdvertisingGuidelinesIdentity UpdatePrint AdvertisingPublication Design

Baltimore Museum & Mississippi Museum of Art
Legacies of the Great Migration

A Movement in Every Direction: Legacies of the Great Migration invites the most illuminating artistic minds in America to turn an eye toward the impact of the Great Migration (1910–1970) in relation to their ancestral ties to the South. Pacific collaborated with the BMA and MMA to create the exhibition identity and guidelines for the presentation of the exhibition as it travels across the United States.

A lamp post with two banners on either side. The left banner features artwork. The right banner is an advertisement for an exhibition. The sky behind is bright blue and clear.
An ad on the side of a bus stop underneath an underpass. The ad is bright with white text advertising an exhibition.
An open magazine with the front cover folded over on itself. The visible page shows an advertisement for an art exhibition. The advertisement has a bright red background and undulating white text at the top. Below the text is an artwork from the exhibition.
Bright red wall with undulating white text.
Two people stand in front of a large black and orange artwork. Their backs are to the camera and their heads are titled up towards the work.
Split image. The left side shows a tote bag with bold red text hanging off a person's shoulder. The right side is of a video being projected onto a wall.
The front and back of a postcard side by side. The left shows an artwork. The right is red with undulating white text running across it.
Three phones in a row. Each screen has a different image. The left and right screens have white text over a red background. The center image is a black white photograph of a woman reading a table as her daughter watches over her shoulder taken by Carrie Mae Weems.